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Managers and Seniors


Advanced Medicines and Audits

To underpin ‘safe practice’; accountability and responsibilities for managers/seniors/nurses - including supervision, competency assessment and audit.


GDPR and Information Governance 

To be fully aware of the legal requirements and to ensure necessary safeguards are in place and guidance adhered to, for the use and retention of patient and staff personal information.


Leadership Skills

To develop and enhance practice, confidence and ability for new and existing managers; including leadership, supervision/appraisal and positive communication skills.


Managers, Seniors and Team Leaders Development 

For managers and team leaders working in any health or social care setting (e.g. care home, nursing home, domiciliary care, supported living, day services); to gain/improve skills required for the day-to-day management of a team.


Mental Capacity Act, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding/ Liberty Protection Safeguards 

For managers & seniors to gain an understanding of the full implications and necessities in adhering to the current safeguards and reporting systems in relation to capacity and deprivation of liberty.


Risk Assessment and Positive Risk Management 

To be able to identify and evaluate risk and hazards in the workplace and develop a process and clear strategies to positively manage risk.


Medicines Observation & Supervision

To gain skills in the evidencing and recording of supervisions, observations and practical assessments in the workplace to evidence staff competency.


Safer Recruitment & Retention

To understand the 4 key stages of the recruitment process and ensure a robust system is in place to safeguard children, young people and adults in your care.


Nutrition, Hydration and M.U.S.T. & IDDSI*

To gain a good understanding of Nutrition and Hydration, malnutrition and how to undertake screening using the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) and IDDSI for supporting someone with swallowing difficulties.

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