Refresher Bitesize Courses
Training and Assessment in Healthcare Ltd. are excited to be offering new 'Refresher Bitesize Courses'. Our face-to-face practical/discussion/observation sessions aim to fully complement eLearning packages. These courses support staff teams to embed knowledge and confirm best practice procedures in the workplace. We offer up to 3 sessions per Half Day or 5 sessions per Full Day. Below are some examples of our most popular sessions and we can also tailor our courses to your specific requirements!
Dignity and Privacy
To discuss what dignity, privacy and respect means for different people.
To know our responsibilities; ensuring equality, diversity, and inclusive practices are always part of person-centred care.
To consider all relevant guidance and legislation i.e. Regulation 10, Equality Act, Human Rights Act & Mental Capacity Act.
How to Engage Resident's
To understand the importance of working in a ‘care partnership’ with the people we support
To refresh effective communication skills to build relationships
To know how to offer choice and control, obtain consent and the importance of duty of care
Team Working
To identify attitudes and positive behaviours that impact on team effectiveness
To reflect upon our ‘philosophy of care’ and team objectives
To develop communication skills to improve assertive behaviours within the team
CPR Practical
To gain awareness of UKGDPR, Data Protection legislation and the 10 National Data Standards
To understand the role of a Caldicott Guardian and to know the 8 Caldicott principles
To be aware of your responsibilities and accountabilities for data protection and the importance of following your organisational policies and procedures
Fire Safety
To understand the ‘fire triangle’ to know how fires start and to identify the areas of high risk in your workplace.
To understand and identify the different types of fire extinguishers, and their appropriate use
To be able to state what needs to be actioned on discovering a fire and understanding of individual responsibilities
Autism and LD Awareness
To explore what autism is and some of the challenges and experiences of people with autism
To learn what a learning disability is and some of the challenges and experiences of people with a learning disability
To discuss key aspects of communication with people with autism and/or learning disabilities and some of the reasonable adjustments that can be made to support person-centred working
Infection Prevention and Control
To gain awareness of the causes of infection control & prevention strategies (including how to break the chain of infection and staff accountabilities and responsibilities)
To understand the importance of correct hand washing procedures (including practice in session using the light box and donning and doffing of PPE procedures)
To be able to protect yourself and others whilst at work (this includes correct procedures for managing bodily fluids, clinical waste, spillages, laundry and needlestick injuries)
Record Keeping
To gain awareness of the correct content & style, essential for ‘best practice’ record keeping
To give detailed examples of the importance of duty of care, confidentiality & data protection
To review accountability & responsibility in relation to all record keeping
Diversity and Inclusion
To explore diversity & inclusion and understand the importance of valuing difference and following policies and procedures
To learn the 9 ‘Protected Characteristics’, and the different types of unlawful discrimination within the Equality Act
To discuss language, prejudice and discriminatory behaviour(s) in the workplace and our responsibilities to commit to creating an inclusive culture
Communication, Choice and Culture
To gain a more in depth understanding of effective communication and the importance of active listening
To understand your responsibility for valuing equality & diversity and to committing to creating an inclusive culture
To recognise the importance of offering choice, respecting individual rights and refreshing knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act
iStumble Refresher
To learn some causes and potential consequences of falling
To gain awareness of the ‘I Stumble’ algorithm
To understand our accountabilities and responsibilities for falls prevention and post falls management
Promoting Hydration
To discuss and define dehydration
To learn some of the potential effects of dehydration for our residents
To identify some ways to support our residents to drink and how we can promote hydration
Professional Boundaries
To understand what professional boundaries are and why we need them
To discuss accountabilities and responsibilities for professional presentation including requirements, codes of conduct and policies and procedures
To consider the importance of professional presentations for effective team working and person-centred care for our clients and their families
•To gain awareness of relevant GDPR and Data Protection legislation and how this relates to health & social care
•To know the 8 Caldicott principles updated December 2020
•To be aware of your responsibilities and accountabilities for data protection and who to report to following organisational policies
To define well-being and look at changes we can make to promote our well-being and those whom we support
To understand attributes for resilience, i.e. The Resilience Toolkit, The Stress Arc, Stress Talking Toolkit and other available resources
To know how to promote positive workplace cultures to support health and well-being for all
To understand the anatomy of the bladder, and the urinary system
To learn the different types of urinary incontinence and how to care for the people we support
To gain knowledge of urinary tract infections and to who is more at risk of UTI’s, potential signs & symptoms/NHS UTI checklist
Health and Safety
To gain knowledge of employers and employees' accountabilities & responsibilities for health and safety in the workplace (inc. COSHH 2002)
To understand procedures for responding and reporting accidents, injuries and near misses (inc. RIDDOR 2013)
To understand your responsibility to communicate information to support the updating of risk assessments and all record keeping requirements